The “CRUCIBLE ” by Arthur Miller – InPlayers 15-18 May

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Het Badhuistheater

We have a Wonderful piece of Theatrical History at the Badhuistheater.

The “ Crucible” by Arthur Miller 1915 – 2005 is One of the most frequently played modern Plays ( written 1953 ) from the last 100 years.Miller himself was the son of a Polish Jewish immigrant .

What is The Crucible about ? 

This play, directed by Niamh Merritt, is a dramatized story of the Salem “ Witch trials” that took place in Massachusetts in 1692. The” Founding” fathers and  Farmers, used gossip,and religious hypocrisy as weapons for their own greed,against each other .In order to steal each others land and property .1692 was only about 50 years after they had landed and driven out the indigenous population and stolen their lands, The Crucible is an exciting and chilling Classic .

Why did The Writer Arthur Miller write the play ? 

Miller developed as a playwright during the depression after the Wall Street Crash in 1929 ,and wrote plays for the” Federal Theatre Project “ .( his own father had gone  bankrupt in the crash.Subject matter for Death of a Salesman ) In the Federal theatre Project ,he had met and worked with other artists trying to build up America after the disastrous economic period when a generation starved. ( the Grapes of Wrath.)

In the 1950s ,  Miller  experienced the ” Un American Activities committee” first hand . 

A right wing scapegoat campaign,1950- 1956 which coerced “confessions” and blacklisted  so called “traitors”and socialists/ communists in the government and arts in America during  the” Cold War” .The  period / battle of political and military dominance between the most powerful surviving empires after the 2nd world war.Most of the artists and officials who came before the committee would lose their jobs, and never work again. 

Miller seized on the comparison between the political witch hunt he was experiencing, and the actual founding fathers feuds amongst each other for personal gains.

Other Historical parallels

Miller would later write “On Politics and the Art of Acting “

TICKETS will be soon OnLine 

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